HQP  1.9.6
Meschach.h File Reference

Meschach declarations and some extensions. More...

#include <limits>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <meschach/matrix.h>
#include <meschach/sparse.h>
Include dependency graph for Meschach.h:
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


class  Mesch::VECP
 Wrapper for Meschach VEC*. More...
class  Mesch::IVECP
 Wrapper for Meschach IVEC*. More...
class  Mesch::PERMP
 Wrapper for Meschach PERM*. More...
class  Mesch::MATROWP
 Wrapper for a row in Meschach MAT. More...
class  Mesch::MATP
 Wrapper for Meschach MAT*. More...


 Wrappers for Meschach data structures allowing use of C++ operators.


#define max(a, b)   ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
 Avoid multiple inclusion.
#define min(a, b)   ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MESCH_BOUNDS_CHECK(i, first_index, next_index)
 Bounds check for wrappers of Meschach types if compiled with DEBUG flag.
#define MESCH_NULL_CHECK(ptr)
 NULL check for wrappers of Meschach types if compiled with DEBUG flag.


typedef SPMAT * Mesch::SPMATP
 Place holder for wrapper of Meschach SPMAT*.
typedef BAND * Mesch::BANDP
 Place holder for wrapper of Meschach BAND*.


bool Mesch::is_finite (Real x)
 check if a number is finite
bool Mesch::is_nan (Real x)
 check for not a number
Real Mesch::sscan_real (const char *str)
 Scan a string for a real number, including infinity (Inf, -Inf); Return the number or NaN in case of error. More...
Additional Meschach functions
IVEC * iv_set (IVEC *, int)
IVEC * iv_part (IVEC *iv, int offs, int dim, IVEC *header)
IVEC * iv_expand (IVEC *iv, int nel, int granul)
IVEC * iv_copy_elements (const IVEC *, IVEC *)
VEC * v_set (VEC *, Real)
VEC * v_part (VEC *v, int offs, int dim, VEC *header)
VEC * v_expand (VEC *v, int nel, int granul)
VEC * v_copy_elements (const VEC *, VEC *)
VEC * bd_mv_mlt (const BAND *, const VEC *, VEC *)
MAT * m_mltadd (const MAT *, const MAT *, const MAT *, MAT *)
MAT * m_copy_elements (const MAT *, MAT *)
Real sp_norm_inf (SPMAT *)
SPMAT * sp_copy3 (const SPMAT *, SPMAT *)
int sp_update_val (SPMAT *, int, int, Real)
void sp_insert_mat (SPMAT *dst, int i_offs, int j_offs, const MAT *src)
void symsp_insert_symmat (SPMAT *dst, int offs, const MAT *src)
void sp_update_mat (SPMAT *dst, int i_offs, int j_offs, const MAT *src)
void sp_extract_mat (const SPMAT *src, int i_offs, int j_offs, MAT *dst)
void symsp_extract_mat (const SPMAT *src, int offs, MAT *dst)
void sp_insert_mrow (SPMAT *dst, int i_offs, int j_offs, const MAT *src, int i)
void sp_update_mrow (SPMAT *dst, int i_offs, int j_offs, const MAT *src, int i)
void sp_extract_mrow (const SPMAT *src, int i_offs, int j_offs, MAT *dst, int i)
SPMAT * sp_ident (SPMAT *)
SPMAT * sp_ones (SPMAT *)
VEC * sp_mv_mltadd (const VEC *v1, const VEC *v2, const SPMAT *A, Real alpha, VEC *out)
VEC * sp_vm_mltadd (const VEC *v1, const VEC *v2, const SPMAT *A, Real alpha, VEC *out)
VEC * sp_mv_symmlt (SPMAT *A, const VEC *v, VEC *out)
Real sprow_inprod (const SPROW *r1, const VEC *inner, const SPROW *r2)
void sprow_zero (SPROW *row)
SPMAT * spLUfactor2 (SPMAT *A, PERM *px)
SPMAT * sp_transp (const SPMAT *, SPMAT *)
BKP factor and solve routines

Reference: J.R.Bunch, L.Kaufman, and B.N.Parlett: Decomposition of a Symmetric Matrix, Numer Math 27, 95–109 (1976).

MAT * matBKPfactor (MAT *A, PERM *pivot)
VEC * matBKPsolve (const MAT *A, const PERM *pivot, const VEC *b, VEC *x)
BAND * bdBKPfactor (BAND *A, PERM *pivot, PERM *relief)
VEC * bdBKPsolve (const BAND *A, const PERM *pivot, const PERM *relief, const VEC *b, VEC *x)
SPMAT * spBKPfactor (SPMAT *, PERM *pivot, Real tol)
VEC * spBKPsolve (const SPMAT *, const PERM *pivot, const VEC *b, VEC *x)
Routines for copying sparse matrices into sparse/band matrices

("sym" means that only the upper part of a symmetric matrix is filled)

void sp_into_sp (const SPMAT *src, Real s, SPMAT *dst, const PERM *px, int i_offs, int j_offs)
void spT_into_sp (const SPMAT *src, Real s, SPMAT *dst, const PERM *px, int i_offs, int j_offs)
void sp_into_symsp (const SPMAT *src, Real s, SPMAT *dst, const PERM *px, int i_offs, int j_offs)
void symsp_into_symsp (const SPMAT *src, Real s, SPMAT *dst, const PERM *px, int offs)
void spT_into_symsp (const SPMAT *src, Real s, SPMAT *dst, const PERM *px, int i_offs, int j_offs)
void sp_into_bd (const SPMAT *sp, Real s, BAND *bd, const PERM *px, int i_offs, int j_offs)
void spT_into_bd (const SPMAT *sp, Real s, BAND *bd, const PERM *px, int i_offs, int j_offs)


const Real Mesch::Inf = (Real)std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
 Infinity for non existing constraints and numerical overflow.

Detailed Description

Meschach declarations and some extensions.

rf, 8/18/94