Hxi | Hqp eXternal Interfaces |
 Mesch | Wrappers for Meschach data structures allowing use of C++ operators |
  VECP | Wrapper for Meschach VEC* |
  IVECP | Wrapper for Meschach IVEC* |
  PERMP | Wrapper for Meschach PERM* |
  MATROWP | Wrapper for a row in Meschach MAT |
  MATP | Wrapper for Meschach MAT* |
 Hqp_Docp | Base class for Discrete-time Optimal Control Programs |
 Hqp_DocpSpec | Hold pointers to functions provided by an application using HQP |
 Hqp_DocpStub | Stub for accessing DOCP (discrete-time optimal control problem) interface of Hqp |
 Hqp_IpPardiso | Solve the Jacobian matrix of Interior Point algorithms using the Pardiso solver |
 Hqp_LPSolve | Interface to lp_solve (see: http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5) |
 Hqp_MipSolver | Base class for a solver for mixed integer problems |
 Hqp_Omuses | Extend DOCP interface with treatment of continuous-time differential algebraic equations (DAE) and multiple sample periods per stage |
 Hqp_Program | Optimization program for sparse quadratic programming |
 Hqp_SqpProgram | Base class for formulating nonlinear programs |
 If_Bool | Interface variable of boolean type |
 If_Element | Abstract base class for interface elements to Tcl, like variables and procedures |
 If_GetCb | Read callback for specific class type |
 If_GetIf | Interface for a read callback |
 If_GetPt | Read callback directly accessing through a pointer |
 If_GetPt2 | Read callback directly accessing through a pointer of different type |
 If_Int | Interface variable of integer type |
 If_IntVec | Interface variable of integer vector type |
 If_List | List of If_ListElement's |
 If_ListElement | Element of a twice concatenated If_List |
 If_Method | Interface method |
 If_Procedure | Interface procedure |
 If_Real | Interface variable of real type |
 If_RealMat | Interface variable of real matrix type |
 If_RealVec | Interface variable of real vector type |
 If_SetCb | Write callback for specific class type |
 If_SetIf | Interface for a write callback |
 If_SetPt | Write callback directly accessing through a pointer |
 If_StdString | Interface variable of standard string type |
 If_String | Interface variable of C string type |
 If_Variable | Interface variable of abstract type VarType managing callbacks for reading and writing |
 Omu_Dep | Internally used single dependent variable |
 Omu_Dependent | Single dependent variable |
 Omu_DependentVec | Vector of dependent variables |
 Omu_DepVec | Internally used vector of dependent variables |
 Omu_Gradient | Vector extended with structural information for a gradient |
 Omu_IntDASPK | Solve differential-algebraic equation system using DASPK |
 Omu_Integrator | Interface for a solver for differential (algebraic) equations |
 Omu_IntEuler | Explicit, fixed step size integrator implementing the Euler algorithm |
 Omu_IntGRK4 | Integrator for (stiff) ordinary differential equations (ODEs) |
 Omu_IntIMP | Integrator for (stiff) ordinary differential equations (ODEs) |
 Omu_IntODE | Interface for standard solvers for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) hiding details of sensitivity analysis |
 Omu_IntOdeTs | Solving autonomous ordinary differential equations using Taylor series expansion |
 Omu_IntRK4 | Explicit, fixed step size integrator implementing a Runge Kutta algorithm of 4th order |
 Omu_IntRKsuite | Solve ordinary differential equations using RKsuite |
 Omu_IntSDIRK | Singly diagonally implizit Runge Kutta method for (stiff) ordinary differential equations (ODEs) |
 Omu_Jacobian | Matrix extended with structural information for a Jacobian |
 Omu_OptVarVec | Extend Omu_VariableVec with attributes for optimization criterion |
 Omu_Program | Interface for a multi-stage optimization problem |
 Omu_StateVec | Vector of state variables, including sensitivity matrices Sx, Su and Sq that hold sensitivities wrt initial states, controls and parameters, respectively |
 Omu_SVarVec | Depreciated: Internally used vector of state optimization variables holding additional structural information |
 Omu_SVec | Internally used vector of state variables |
 Omu_VariableVec | Vector of optimization variables, including min, max and initial attributes |
 Omu_VarVec | Internally used vector of optimization variables |
 Omu_Vec | Avoid multiple inclusion |
 Prg_SFunction | Basic functionality for formulating an optimization problem for a model given as MEX S-function |
 Prg_SFunctionEst | Estimation of parameters and initial states for a model given as MEX S-function |
 Prg_SFunctionOpt | Optimal control problem for a model given as MEX S-function treated with multi-stage control vector parameterization |