cg_sfun.h | Native S-function code generation include file for Hqp |
Hqp.h | Declaration of external API for HQP (Huge Quadratic Programming) |
Hqp_Docp.h | Base class for formulating Discrete-time Optimal Control Programs |
Hqp_DocpStub.h | Client stub for Hqp_Docp interface |
Hqp_DocpWrapper.h | Implement an Hqp_Docp and connect it to Hqp_DocpSpec |
Hqp_impl.h | Internal declarations for HQP (Huge Quadratic Programming) |
Hqp_IpPardiso.h | Solve the Jacobian matrix of Interior Point algorithms using the Parallel direct solver Pardiso |
Hqp_LPSolve.h | Interface to lp_solve for the solution of linear mixed integer programs (see: http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5) |
Hqp_MipSolver.h | Interface for a solver for mixed integer problems |
Hqp_Omuses.h | Multi stage optimal control problems described by DAE's |
Hqp_Program.h | Optimization program for sparse quadratic programming |
Hqp_SqpProgram.h | Interface for a nonlinear program |
Hxi_MEX_SFunction.h | Interface to a Simulink(R) S-function given as binary MEX object |
Hxi_mx_parse.h | Parse an argument string passed to a Simulink S-function and create according mxArrays |
Hxi_sfun_types.h | Native type definitions required to compile a Simulink(R) S-function with Hqp |
Hxi_SFunction.h | Interface to a Simulink(R) S-function given as binary object |
Hxi_SimStruct.h | Declaration of Simulink(R) S-function methods supported by Hqp |
Hxi_SimStruct_methods.h | Simulink(R) S-function methods supported by Hqp |
If.h | Public declarations of the interface library |
If_Bool.h | Interface variable for booleans |
If_Element.h | Interface element to Tcl |
If_Int.h | Interface variable for integers |
If_IntVec.h | Interface variables for integer vectors of the Meschach library |
If_List.h | List of If_ListElement's |
If_ListElement.h | Element of an If_List |
If_Method.h | Binds a pointer to a method to an interface element |
If_Procedure.h | Binds a function pointer to an interface element |
If_Real.h | Interface variable for doubles |
If_RealMat.h | Interface variables for matrices of reals (currently Mesch::MATP) |
If_RealVec.h | Interface variables for vectors of reals (currently Mesch::VECP) |
If_StdString.h | If_Variable for standard C++ string type |
If_Variable.h | Base classes for interface variables |
Meschach.h | Meschach declarations and some extensions |
Omu_Dependents.h | Dependent variables (single and vector, including Jacobians) |
Omu_Deps.h | Extensions for managing dependent variables internally |
Omu_Integrator.h | Interface for integrating continuous-time system equations |
Omu_IntIMP.h | Integrate an ODE over a stage using the implicit midpoint rule |
Omu_Program.h | Interface for a multistage optimization problem described by algebraic and differential equations |
Omu_Variables.h | Independent variables for Omuses problem setup |
Omu_Vars.h | Extensions for managing independent variables |
Omu_Vec.h | Vector with automatic construction and destruction |
Prg_SFunction.h | Basic functionality for formulating an optimization problem for a model given as MEX S-function |
Prg_SFunctionEst.h | Estimation of initial states and parameters for a model given as MEX S-function |
Prg_SFunctionOpt.h | Optimal control problem for a model given as MEX S-function |
simstruc.h | S-function SimStruct include file for treating an S-function either as external MEX object or inlined with Hqp using the Hxi interface |